Friday, April 1, 2011

Baby Aisyah Kena Roseola Virus?

What Is Roseola Virus?: "What is roseola? It is an infectious virus that many infants under three years old can catch, but is most common in infants under age one. Roseola is thought to be caused by the human herpes virus six. Roseola is an infectious virus that many infants under three years old can catch, but is most common in infants under age one. Roseola is thought to be caused by the human herpes virus six. The first symptom you will notice in your baby is an unexplained very high fever. The fever can be as high as 104 to 106 degrees, which is very distressing. The fever can last from one to five days and then disappear. Within twenty four hours later a rash will appear on the neck, upper arms and the trunk, and then spread to the face and legs. Your baby may also get diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. You will notice swollen lymph glands under the baby's neck. You may notice the symptoms of the common cold such as runny nose, loss of appetite, irritability, and sore throuat. ( Semua symptom nie aisyah ada...) When the rash subsides, all the other symptoms will leave also. The total duration of all symptoms is usually 7 to ten days."

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